A search party searches for someone lost in a forest, in turn becoming lost themselves within the arboreal zone. A half-civilian, half-police force group evacuates the village and the forest for construction, and seek in turn the seekers. An old tree releases a slumbering spell, overtaking everyone within its reach.
Floodplain is built upon the world of Yuva, the Biennale College Cinema feature film of 2018.


#music #spatialsound #sounddesign
#vr #filmsound#spatialsoundmix#spatialsounddesign#ambisonics#balsoundlondon
#virtualreality #recording #design #mixing#balsound  #composition




A search party searches for someone lost in a forest, in turn becoming lost themselves within the arboreal zone. A half-civilian, half-police force group evacuates the village and the forest for construction, and seek in turn the seekers. An old tree releases a slumbering spell, overtaking everyone within its reach.
Floodplain is built upon the world of Yuva, the Biennale College Cinema feature film of 2018.
#music #spatialsound #sounddesign
#vr #filmsound
#virtualreality #recording #design #mixing
 #balsound #london #composition